The Encyclopaedia of Magical Creatures introduces image, abilities, and habits of traditional Chinese dragons, as well as other real “dragons” that exist.
The Encyclopaedia of Magical Creatures introduces image, abilities, and habits of traditional Chinese dragons, as well as other real “dragons” that exist.
In modern times, depictions of dragons can be regarded as dragon memes, which are subjected to rational analysis here.
Wen Yiduo (renowned Chinese patriot poet and scholar), who did not believe in the existence of dragons, repeatedly encountered strange events prior to a speech he was due to give. The instigators were actually from the future, who hoped to change historical perceptions of dragons by influencing Wen Yiduo’s thoughts.
During the search for the aurora, traditional Chinese fengshui engaged in a dialogue with science, ultimately collaborating to complete the Light Dragon Plan. 在寻找极光的过程中,中国传统风水观和科学发生了对话,两者最终协力完成了光之应龙计划。
The emergence of the supervirus broke the reproductive isolation between species, bringing new tragedies and miracles to the world.